Foot & Leg Therapy
Foot and Leg Therapy is for SCIATIC NERVE PAIN, RESTLESS LEGS, HOT, TIRED & BURNING FEET. Relaxing, rejuvenating, cooling foot therapy. ...

5 Surprising Ways To Use Himalayan Salt
You’ve heard about Himalayan salt. In fact, you may even be using it right now. After all, it’s been increasingly making its way into...

Dead Sea Salt Heal The Body
Regular use of Dead Sea Bath Salts can effectively manage or improve the following conditions: Psoriasis Arthritis Dry Skin Eczema Stress...

What is AromaTouch Massage Technique Aromatherapy Massage
AromaTouch Massage Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils. Dr. David Hill, a leading expert in integrative medicine...

7 Benefits of Eating Hemp Seeds You Won’t Believe
For a long time, hemp seeds were ignored for their nutritional benefits because of hemp’s botanical relationship to medicinal varieties...

Hemp Protein Powder: The Perfect Plant-Based Protein
Did you know that hemp seeds are one of nature’s best sources for plant-based protein? If you’re looking to increase your protein intake...

Dead Sea Products for your Health and Beauty
The Dead Sea has long been considered a unique travel destination due to the high concentration of salts and minerals in the water as...

Pink Himalayan Salt Benefits that Make It Superior to Table Salt
Pink Himalayan salt is often said to be the most beneficial as well as the cleanest salt available on this planet today. It has all kinds...

10 Reasons To Have A Himalayan Salt Lamp In Every Room Of Your Home
You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never owned a Himalayan salt Lamp. It’s like having an open window – a softly glowing...

AromaTouch Treatment
ABOUT AROMA TOUCH: Aroma Touch Technique is a therapeutic approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral (organ)...