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Hulled Hemp Seeds are so healthy, and tasty and our Empress Sativa Hullled Hemp Seeds are the freshest around, never more than three weeks from their shells. 

Empress Sativa Hulled Hemp Seeds are a true gift to mankind. This tiny, innocent, unassuming fruit of the Cannabis sativa L plant known as HEMP, packs a nutritional punch unrivaled by any other on the planet. Loaded with the most concentrated source of essential nutrients known, they are a perfect source for the omega fatty acids 3, 6, & 9, bringing you several times more omega 3 than fish. They are a perfect protein source, more digestible than soy, they contain more amino acids than milk, meat, or eggs, they provide you with more energy than energy bars without the sugar and much less saturated fat. They are the perfect food for those who wish to cut down or be free of gluten, sugar, milk, nuts and meat.

A five tablespoon serving per day - taken in the morning will hold you through lunch with complete nourishment.

With proper nourishment like that gained from a daily intake of Hemp Seeds, and a rest from having to process high starch, high sugar, high saturated fat content foods, your body will heal many of the modern day health issues faced. Issues like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, irritable bowl syndrome, diseases like celiacs and crohns, skin & hair problems, depression, and the list goes on ...

Give yourself the gift of a whole, healthy food on a regular basis and live a better life ...

* Hulled Hemp Seeds, Shelled Hemp Seeds, Hemp Nuts, Hemp Hearts, Hulled Hemp Nuts, Shelled Hemp Nuts (and other name variations) -- are all names that describe the same Hemp item; the inner portion of the Hemp Seed left after the hull or outer casing has been removed. Know that the word "nut" is a misnomer as the Hemp Seed is not a nut in any way. Hemp Seeds are safe for all those who have an allergy to nuts.

STORAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: Hulled Hemp Seeds are a very stable food and need not be kept refrigerated. Our recommendation is to keep out of direct sunlight and preferably stored in a dark environment like a pantry. Shelf life is reported at one year though many people find it lasts much longer.

Sativa Hemp Seeds


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